A project by Johannes Karl and Jan Preißler
After nearly 150 years of the automobile’s steep success story, the time has come for us all to sing farewell to Germany’s most popular export product. In silent mourning, with blasting beats and sentimental speeches, we bid the car farewell. Goodbye to the dominance of Daimler, Porsche and VW. Ciao private transport, ciao howling tin cans. So long to congested city centers and miles of traffic jams on freeways.
We embark on the last romantic road trip towards the constantly receding horizon and question the future of mobility.
The funeral is open to everyone.
Upcoming dates:
30.08.2024 at Alter Wartesaal in Herne (Tickets)
31.08.2024 at Alter Wartesaal in Herne (Tickets)
Past dates:
31.05.2025 at the Rottstr5 Kunsthallen Bochum
01.06.2024 at the Rottstr5 Kunsthallen Bochum
Content note: loud music, strobe-like effects, fog. Thematization of misogyny, death and car accident
Concept: Johannes Karl, Jan Preißler
Music & Lyrics: Jan Preißler
Performance: Marina Fervenza, Johannes Karl, Jan Preißler
Choir: Gesangsfreunde Ehrenfeld
Choir direction: Tristan Berger
Stage and costume design & Graphic design: Jenny Theisen
Stage and costume assistance: Anne-Kathrin Hartmann
Lighting design & Special effects: Simon Lenzen
Production management: Carina Graf
PR: Patricia Bechtold
Outside Eye: Patricia Bechtold, Anne-Kathrin Hartmann, Jenny Theisen
Photos & Video: Arda Funda
REQUIEM FOR A CAR is a project by Johannes Karl and Jan Preißler in cooperation with the Rottstr5 Kunsthallen Bochum and the Alter Wartesaal Herne. Supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the North Rhine-Westphalia State Office for the Independent Performing Arts, the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, the Kunststiftung NRW, the Cultural Office of the City of Herne, the Kulturinitiative Herne and the Cultural Office of the City of Bochum.